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How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound

Info informasi How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound atau artikel tentang How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound ini semoga dapat bermanfaat, dan menambah wawasan. Selamat Membaca! Jangan lupa dishare juga! Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat juga untuk orang lain.
If you follow a chat group on WhatsApp, you will surely receive a notification on your Android Smartphone whenever any of the group members send a chat. Just imagine if within a day there are 500s of chats. That is if you follow only one group, what if you follow more than that. I just follow two chat groups (groups of college friends and high school friends), where the number of chats per day can reach 500s to 1500s chats.

Surely our Android smartphone will be ringing continuously. In addition to the noise, of course it can interfere with our concentration of work. So, do we need to get out of the group, so as not to receive notifications again? oh, of course not .. We do not need to get out of the group.

The trick is very easy, please follow the tutorial below to eliminate the sound of WhatsApp group notification:

Go to WhatsApp. First, please open your WhatsApp app and the chat group you are following.

Settings button. press the Settings button in the form of 3 vertical dots.

How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, Turn off WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, remove the WhatsApp group notification, disable, mute, delete, notification sound, whatsapp chat group, android, smartphone, annoying sound

Mute Options. Choose the Mute option

How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, Turn off WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, remove the WhatsApp group notification, disable, mute, delete, notification sound, whatsapp chat group, android, smartphone, annoying sound

Mute Group. You will find 3 mute time options: 8 hours, 1 week, and 1 year. For the "Show notifications" option you can check or not. Then press "OK"

How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, Turn off WhatsApp Group Notification Sound, remove the WhatsApp group notification, disable, mute, delete, notification sound, whatsapp chat group, android, smartphone, annoying sound

After this, you will not be bothered again by the sound of WhatsApp group notification from your Android smartphone.

Well .. That's the article on how to remove the WhatsApp group notification. Hopefully useful for you.

Demikian artikel tentang How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound ini dapat kami sampaikan, semoga artikel atau info tentang How To Mute WhatsApp Group Notification Sound ini, dapat bermanfaat. Jangan lupa dibagikan juga ya! Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungan nya.